Working Hours :

Monday - Friday, 10am - 05pm


  • 01What types of products does PROMIXCO Pharmaceuticals Limited manufacture?

    PROMIXCO manufactures a diverse range of pharmaceutical products including insulin kits, surgical gloves, contraceptive items, and kits for diseases like malaria and dengue. Additionally, we produce safe drinking water, dietary supplements, and hygienic products for daily use.

  • 02When was PROMIXCO Pharmaceuticals Limited established?

    PROMIXCO Pharmaceuticals Limited was established in 2019.

  • 03Where is PROMIXCO Pharmaceuticals Limited located?

    Our headquarters and manufacturing facilities are located in Bangladesh.

  • 04What is PROMIXCO Pharmaceuticals Limited's slogan?

    Our slogan is "promising a healthy life".

  • 05Does PROMIXCO Pharmaceuticals Limited sell its products internationally?

    Yes, we market our products both domestically and internationally.


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about PROMIXCO Pharmaceuticals Limited